The guys come to work by 8am (GMT +2). PM and Lead Developer set time for
the daily briefing on each project (stand up). Everybody prepares to the
briefing. During the briefing the team discusses some bottlenecks and a
current plan (sprint plan, weekly plan or a current task pool plan). After
that they decide on what exact tasks are to be solved in that day. The day
plan consists of the tasks and checkpoints.
After a short briefing when everybody understands what he/she is due to
do, they start working
Let’s take a simple example
A developer has three tasks for today, and checkpoints are at 10:30, 14:00
and 16:30. It ensures that at least two out of three tasks will be
performed and checked by a QA within this day. And if nothing goes wrong,
the third task will also be completed and checked by the end of the day or
the next day in the morning before the briefing.
At the end of the day it is summarized what has been done during the day. If
something hasn’t been done, the reasons are being discussed and sorted out.
This way, we try to totally stick to the day schedule, which allows us to complete
the sprint (weekly plan) in time, and at the same time keep the highest quality.